Wednesday 29 September 2010

Paris Hilton To Quit Club Scene

After narrowly avoiding jail time following her recent arrest for drug possession, Paris Hilton is working towards revamping her lifestyle once again, has exclusively learned.

A source close to the hotel heiress says she is committed to maintaining a low-profile. "The days of Paris going out to clubs are done,” the insider claimed. “Paris much prefers staying home with her boyfriend [Cy Waits], and watching movies.” Despite their ongoing legal troubles, the couple are “going strong” according to the source. “He has stood by her, and she trusts and respects Cy immensely."

Following her arrest in Las Vegas on August 27, Paris plead guilty to two misdemeanors -- drug possession and obstructing an officer -- but avoided jail time.

Instead, she is on probation for a year, must complete a substance abuse program, pay a $2,000 fine, and complete 200 hours of community service. A source told that Hilton would begin her official community service requirements in the next couple of weeks.

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